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April 5, 2006

Valley drain back testing

Today Mark & I tried a few different oiling tests... First we just spun the oil pump with an old distributor to see how much oil flows through the heads and lifters - not too much with cold 20W50. Next we disconnected the -12 feed, and had that dump right into the valley. Than pan pumped dry quickly, and then started pumping aerated oil spurts. We noticed the oil drained through the Moroso valley screens much faster when the pump was moving, creating suction in the pan. Otherwise it was fairly sluggish, taking a minute or two to drain down, filling the valley with about 1/2" deep oil. Blowby pressure probably does the same thing. Final test was pumping the oil through two -4an lines into to see how much that flows. The oil was already partially aerated, so the dense fluid emptied from the pan fairly quickly. We're just going to put the intake manifold on, and see how much of a difference the .125 restrictors make. If that doesn't help, next step is to remove the valley screens.

Posted by Z28tt at April 5, 2006 4:25 PM


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