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October 5, 2006

Sound Testing

This afternoon I drove over to my old place of employment, and we used the nice spectrum analyzer to check the sound level for the upcoming LimeRockPark time trials. From 50' to the side, it's at 75 dBa at idle, and 92.5 at 5000 rpms. From the rear, it's 83 at 2500 and 87 at 5000. Inside I get 95 dBA at 5000. LRP's limit is 83 at 50' and 1000 rpm shy of redline. My next option is to put a deflector plate aiming the exhaust at the ground, to see if that helps. If not, then a muffler, or just short shift it.

Exhaust summary: iron manifolds, turbos, 2.5" downpipes, 3.5" y-pipe, to ovalized tubing, and out the side with a 1.5"x8" boom tube.

I also drove a full tankfull today - 17.1 mpg on the highway at 80 mph (well, whatever 2000 rpms is). Much better than the Durango!

Posted by Z28tt at October 5, 2006 7:57 PM


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