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October 5, 2007

Accel 300+ ignition box issues

A while back, the Camaro wouldn't start, and I traced it down to no spark. The fuse for the 300+ was blown. I replaced the fuse, and it blew again as soon as the car cranked. There were no shorts in the wires going to the coil, and the Camaro ran with the 300+ bypassed on the factory HEI ignition. I then tested out the 300+ by replacing the fuse, and grounding the white trigger which usually causes it to fire the coil, and as soon as the trigger wire grounded, the fuse blew. I called MrGasket/Accel (216.688.8300), who suggested I send the box back to get repaired at their Jacobs Testing Facility in Carson City, NV. Not having heard back in a month, I've got to call them (775.882.6600, press 0 for operator). We'll see!

Posted by Z28tt at October 5, 2007 9:07 AM


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