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October 4, 2007

Watkins Glen line update

Just got back from a 2 day track event at Watkins Glen with the Schattenbaum region PCA. The Z28tt broke the spare T56 on the 2nd lap (locked in reverse after I came into the pits, with gears 1-6 binding the transmission). I couldn't feel the synchro engage in R, but it did in 1 through 6, so we decided the reverse gear clutch fork or roll pin had broken. Since there were 2 track days, Mark Frouhar helped remove the tailshaft housing to get at the reverse gear cluster, and hopefully disengage the synchro and get the forward gears back. As soon as I got the tailshaft housing off, bits of bearing fell out, and ended my chances. Instead, I now had 2 days to instruct and get ride alongs with other folks. After a track walk (3.5 miles!), you could really feel how the concrete patches don't have nearly the same grip as asphalt. Another interesting thing was that all the corners are banked more towards the inside and banking tapers off (3 lines) towards the outside of the track. This makes for some interesting lines, staying more inside than usual.

Turn 1 - turn in earlier than expected to bring car down to the apex, and track out onto the rumble strips.

Turn 5 (sweeper after bus stup) - enter 1/2-2/3's over to the left, bring is steadily down, and get on the throttle as soon as you know you'll make the apex.

Turn 6 (going into laces) - Don't be fooled by the painted line moving left - the pavement stays straight. Some folks were turning in very early and leaving a good 5-8 feet on the right side of the car. The banking is steeper on the inside line, and lets you get a faster exit speed.

Turn 7 (toe of the boot) - Enter normally, and bring it down immediately below the concrete. Get on throttle, and cross concrete on the way out and out.

Turn 9 (off camber left) - Turn in right after crest of hill.

Turn 10 - Slight brake/lift depending on HP. Not much need to slow down at all.

Posted by Z28tt at October 4, 2007 11:49 AM


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